feminine surrender in a masculine world
ONLINE MASTERCLASS | Monday 31st July, 7PM (Lisbon time) | 90 mins
Is this you??
Hard to slow down and rest?
Feel the need to always be in control?
Your brain is always switched on?
Take the lead in every part of life, but craving someone else to do it?
Juggling too many balls on your own, rarely asking for help?
Feeling tired all the time, and needy, rigid and bitchy in your communication?
Attracting the wrong people and relationships into your life?
You’re not alone! And you’re not a bitch. You’ve just lost the connection with your feminine.
You’re trying to be a man in a female body. Not because you want to, but because that is what this society ‘forces’ you to do. But don’t worry. You’re in the right place: this masterclass is designed to help you reconnect with your feminine. Ready?
remember what it feels like to soften, surrender and flow.
At the end of this masterclass, you will have:
An understanding of why you (and most of us!) are so emasculated these days and how that affects our physical and mental health and wellbeing
Awareness of the signs that you are too deeply in your masculine
Tools and techniques to reconnect with your feminine
Ways to surrender to life more easily and let go of control
An improved sense of calm, flow and ease in your life
Note! This masterclass is just as interesting for women as it is for men! We’re not talking about the gender we were born as, but about the energies and the polarity that we possess.
“This Masterclass will be a beautiful mix of learning about the background and theory of this topic, practicing useful lifestyle tools & techniques and receiving personal coaching on your individual challenges and questions.”
Myrthe - Life coach, Yoga Teacher and Breathwork Guide