Creating magic with magic mushrooms: a pathway to healing trauma

Creating magic with magic mushrooms: a pathway to healing trauma

A blog about the magical powers of magic mushrooms to heal yourself from physical, mental and emotional trauma. These mushrooms aren’t the mushrooms you use for cooking (I wouldn’t recommend adding them in your Monday night risotto, haha). They’re also not ‘drugs’. These are the mushrooms that taste really terrible, but they do super cool stuff with your brain and subconscious mind! Read the full blog to learn how I use them to find a deeper connection with myself.

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Life lessons of a young and healthy woman with Long Covid Syndrome: age and health are no guarantee for escaping the virus

Life lessons of a young and healthy woman with Long Covid Syndrome: age and health are no guarantee for escaping the virus

Early January I got tested positive for Covid-19. I wasn’t worried at all. I was healthy, I felt strong and thought my immune system would be able to deal with it quite easily. And that all seemed to be the case the first few weeks. But 3 months later, I am still suffering from all kinds of Long Covid symptoms, unable to work and live life the normal way. The physical and mental effects are real and difficult to deal with. Read my story, and let me share the lessons that I am learning in this process of healing from an unknown, unpredictable virus.

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Were we really ready to work from home?

Were we really ready to work from home?

Were we really ready to work from home? Yesterday I ran a workshop for one of my corporate clients about how to stay healthy and happy when working from home during (and after) this pandemic. It was amazing to have a discussion about a topic so on top of people's minds at the moment and which has suddenly become the 'standard'. The main questions: Were we really ready to work from home full time? What has this sudden change done to our physical and mental health? Will it become the standard after this pandemic?

Read the full article here and share your thoughts!

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Money; a love story

Money; a love story

Recently, I had a lovely conversation with an old friend from Singapore who’s in a struggle whether to keep working in the corporate world or step out of it and find her passion. I asked her “what’s holding you back?” And her answer was within a second “the money”. And that was the exact answer that I gave 3 years ago when I started thinking about my jump into the unknown.  Read the full post to learn about my personal money mindset, how our money mindset affects our lives and how to live in abundance…

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Your life begins each morning

Your life begins each morning

Do you normally wake up after hitting the snooze button about five times, jumping into a quick 2 minute shower, grabbing a protein bar to have on your way to work while you check your emails and catch up on your missed WhatsApp messages? Sounds familiar? Does it then also sound familiar that for the rest of the day, you feel like you are constantly running behind, rushed and not always as productive? Duh! Read on how introducing a morning routine is one of the best ways to make your day more productive, organized and less stressed.

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Slow down to speed up

Slow down to speed up

Have you been in that situation where you feel like you’re doing all the right things: eating healthy, exercising, not toooo much coffee and alcohol (but ok, a little…), but still you feel crap? You can sense that something is off, but you can’t figure out what. Well, I learned last week during my Yin Yoga Teacher Training that looking into Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and how the different elements and seasons impact us, may give you the answer you were looking for!

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Am I a cliché?

Am I a cliché?

One of the great things about Bali is how easy it is to meet new people here. You sit down in a café and before you have even ordered your cup of coffee your neighbor has introduced himself and you know the name of his dog and what his favorite breakfast is. But one of the first questions that normally arises when I meet someone new is “so what do you do here?”. And that standard, innocent question brings up the world of feelings for me. Read the full article to learn how shame and limiting beliefs color my self worth as a yoga teacher and health coach, and how none of us can ever be a cliché if we stay on our own path.

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Dear feelings, eat your heart out!

Dear feelings, eat your heart out!

It starts with a few dried dates (healthy snack, right?), then it moves to cheese and crackers, and before you know it that whole chocolate bar and bag of crisps are down as well. Sounds familiar anyone? To be honest, I haven’t met a lot of people in my life who have NEVER had a day like this. If you haven’t please call me because I (and probably everyone else reading this article) needs your help 😉 How is it so that many of us so easily and regularly overeat and can’t stop eating once we’re in a bad eating “flow”? I guess the good news is, it has got nothing to do with real hunger. Read on to learn what it IS about…

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Fat up and fed up with dieting

Fat up and fed up with dieting

Have you ever restricted yourself with food in any way? Ever been on a diet? Whether you wanted to loose weight, gain muscle, have more energy or anything else…I bet you don’t look back on those dieting days as the best days of your life?! Whatever it was that motivated you to go on a diet, did you ever reach it? And even if you did, did it make you happy? Could you keep it up? Were you ever “done”? Read the whole article about why I don’t believe in diets and my view on living a healthy and balanced lifestyle.

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How I went from high heels and fancy dresses to flip flops and yoga pants

How I went from high heels and fancy dresses to flip flops and yoga pants

“Picture yourself a young woman. High heels, expensive tight fit black dress on, cuppa on-the-go in her hand, running up the escalator to be just in time for her first meeting of the day on the 23rd floor of a skyscraper office. She’s got a bunch of meetings lined up until about 7PM in the evening. In between, she prepares some slide decks and has a couple of coffee catch ups. For lunch, she eats a quick salad behind her desk while answering a ton of emails. She leaves the office after dark – taking a conference call on the way – to have a sweat session in the gym with her PT. Coming home finally, she prepares a simple but kind of healthy dinner that she’ll eat from her sofa and falls dead in bed by 10PM.”

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Be a bad ass planner in the office ánd in your kitchen

Be a bad ass planner in the office ánd in your kitchen

Are you that person that runs around all day from the moment your alarm goes off? You’re a super ambitious professional, and your job is very important to you. But you also know that you perform better in your job if you eat healthy, sleep enough and exercise regularly. But you and your busy life don’t really have time in the schedule to cook every day, right? Guess what, you don’t have to spend hours in the kitchen to prepare healthy meals for you and your family.

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How to get you running to the gym like YEAHHH

How to get you running to the gym like YEAHHH

For some of us, exercising comes naturally and is a daily must-do. But for many more of us, the word ‘exercising” makes us cringe and is just another thing on our to-do list. So you need to figure out what type of exercise fits you best and makes you actually want to go and do it. Answer the questions in this blog post for yourself to figure out what works best for you!

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