How to get you running to the gym like YEAHHH


Our busy schedules and the modern lifestyle are probably the no. 1 stress-creators for our bodies. And stress can lead to chronic aches, inflammation and digestive issues with even bigger consequences on the long term. So it is super important to release the stress that we build up in our bodies on a daily basis. One of the best ways to do that is of course, to MOVE! Regular exercise helps us manage stress, and keeps our bodies free from stress-related symptoms such as tight muscles and digestive issues.


For some of us, exercising comes naturally and is a daily must-do. But for many more of us, the word ‘exercising” makes us cringe and is just another thing on our to-do list. We’ve all been there. You come home tired after a long day at work, you’re freakin’ hungry and actually the only thing you want to do is max out on your sofa, order a pizza and watch Netflix all night.


But we all know that movement helps us to stay fit, energized and healthy – both on the inside and the outside - so you do want to get your ass moving at least a few times a week. So how do you get yourself running to the gym like YEAHHH, YES PLEASE LET’S DO THIS!


Most importantly, you need to figure out what type of exercise fits you best and makes you actually want to go and do it. We are all different and our bodies are made in different ways. Depending on your age, gender, physical built, medical conditions and metabolism, our bodies thrive better under different circumstances.


Answer the following questions for yourself to figure out what works best for you:

Do you prefer to exercise alone or in a group?

Maybe working out is also the place where you would like to meet people and grow your social network? Or maybe you see it as a moment to “time out” and have some time for yourself?

Do you prefer to exercise indoors or outdoors?

You might be the type of person that loves adventurous outdoorsy sports like climbing, mountain biking or skiing. Or the idea of a muddy face may not appeal to you at all and you prefer to “keep it clean”. Also think about your preferred climate to exercise in! Hot and sweaty or rather the cold steam coming out of your mouth?

Do you like high intensity training or is something low intensity more appealing to you?

And be honest with yourself, don’t be lazy…😉 Some of us love to get their heart rate up while others prefer a soft yoga flow or long walks in the forest. This is actually determined on a physiological level; for some bodies a crossfit class is just too intense and creates only more stress on the body than for others.

What time of the day do you have the most energy to move?

Are you an early riser and have lots of energy in the morning to get your workout in before you go to work? Or do you feel more energized after a day in the office and ready to let go of all the stress from the day?

How can you build in exercising into your daily routine without it becoming a burden on your schedule?

Find ways to move that fit into your busy schedule. So maybe 2-hour gym sessions don’t work for you, but daily 30-minute online home workouts with a YouTube video might be perfect.


The above answers will definitely help you on the practical level, but in the end it all boils down to what puts a smile on your face?! What does your body know instinctively that would make you feel better? What would challenge you but not stress your body out? That’s it. That’s what will make you run out of the door. And that’s what will make you feel great both mentally and physically. So listen to your body, it’s got the answer for you somewhere inside.


Find YOUR fitness style and do more of that!


Feel a bit overwhelmed by all this? In our coaching programs we can help you get answers to all these questions and support you to implement your fitness routine into your daily schedules. Reach out to start your coaching program today!


Love, Myrthe