Hey brave woman, I’ve got a few questions for you!

  • Is the job/career you’re in really what you want for yourself?

  • Do you feel stuck in this go-go-go mentality of modern life?

  • Do you make the time to prioritize yourself and your health? Or is there always the excuse that you’re just too busy and have too much on your plate?

  • Do you feel restless and anxious often?

  • Do you have these same minor, but annoying health issues keep coming up?


If the answers make you feel slightly uneasy, great! You’re in the right place!

Introducing my Root To Rise Group Program

Welcome to my 8-week online group program for women who want more freedom, health and happiness in their lives. In this holistic group container, I offer you all the tools I have used myself to build a healthy lifestyle, reconnect with myself, heal, grow, evolve and create a life I absolutely love. In 8 weeks, you will get there too!


Here’s what you can expect:

  • 8 weekly online group calls through Zoom with like-minded, brave women

  • Learn, practice and integrate tools and information around nutrition, movement, embodiment, mindfulness, self love, mindset, visualisation and breathwork

  • Walk away feeling connected to your body and your heart again so you can start living life from that place, for YOU!

So, are you ready to transform your life?


“I wish this program could have lasted longer. It's like switching on the light again. It offers so many ways to get in touch with your body, mind and soul again. It's a great place to explore your health on different levels.”

- Sandra


Hi there, my name is Myrthe and this used to be me for years!

  • A woman climbing the career ladder in a high-demanding, ambitious job

  • For the outside world, it seems like she has her shit together

  • She ticks all the boxes of a conventional successful life: a well-paid job, a nice house with a car in the front, running a busy household, doing her exercise once or twice a week, maintaining friendships, showing up for family, hobbies…she knows the hustle and grind of this society!

  • She works really hard every day all day to keep it all together

  • Her life is pretty fun and ‘perfect’. Right?


Sounds familiar? Gotcha! Big chance this is YOU right now!


i see you, superwoman. you run from convincing your boss to start this new project, to hanging in your weekly downward facing dog for an hour, to rushing to the sushi place around the corner for again another takeout dinner, to being your friend’s maid of honor, to pottery class, to…

Pfew! Let’s stop right there…We have too many things we need to do and be in order to fit into this society. We think we can do it all (and a part of us wants to!). But actually - spoiler alert! - we can’t.


Your life seems perfect ‘on paper’, BUT you often feel:

  • Tired with no energy (that daily 3PM crash is a little too familiar to you)

  • Burnt out

  • Tight neck, shoulders and jaw

  • Bad skin, digestive issues and wacky hormones

  • A little low and numb

  • Out of balance, somehow ‘off’ and not satisfied with your life

  • Stuck

  • Disconnected from yourself and not sure what you want in life


When was the last time you took time out for YOU to be still with yourself? To feel into your heart and listen to your body? Your body holds all the answers about life. And yet we never listen. We just keep going and let our heads run the show.

You’re not the only one.

Many of us are stuck in the patriarchy of hustle and grind…career, house, kids blablabla…We live our lives on auto-pilot and forget to check in with ourselves and our health on a regular basis. We loose ourselves a little bit along the way. We’re stuck in the habit of life and the rat race of society and we simply have no idea how to prioritize ourselves, our health and our happiness!


You probably think that all you need is ‘more balance’…

But the reality of modern day ‘balance’ just doesn’t make sense! Working your ass off all day in the office, and then rushing to yoga on a Wednesday evening, before rushing home to cook a rushed dinner that you eat too late. Or, working really hard for 6 months and then taking a 3-week holiday where you sit your ass down on a beach all day eating and drinking away to start the rat race all over again once you come back…it’s BS, right?!


You’re still in that place because your comfort zone is too comfy!

  • That well-paid, but absolutely soul-draining job gives you financial stability and status

  • It’s easier to say ‘I just don’t have the time to prioritize myself and my health’ than actually doing the work

  • That average relationship is easy and safe, and being on your own is scary

  • Your need for external validation from family and friends is why you keep showing up in life as you’ve always done

  • And so on…


It takes courage to break through the conditioning and programming of modern life. We’re all afraid deep down to ‘not fit in’, loose stability and safety and jump into the unknown. But when you learn to listen to the signals of your body and your intuition, suddenly you start to make decisions about your life from your heart, not your head. Suddenly you know exactly what you want.


"I loved this program so much, and of course Myrthe. A program for people who want to reconnect with themselves, work on their health and life goals, and find out what keeps them from reaching these. A down to earth coach and yoga teacher who meets you where you're at and doesn't put pressure on you but seeks to bring out your strengths. Great inspiration of methods to reconnect with myself."

- Esther


Do you desire…

  • Waking up every morning excited to start your day?

  • Doing work you absolutely love and that is meaningful?

  • Having time to cook nourishing meals and to move your body?

  • Having people around you that you love and feel inspired by?

  • Planning your days around little me-moments doing things that make you happy?

Of course you do! This is what MY days look like. And it’s possible for you too.


So if you are ready to…

  • Find out what’s ‘missing’

  • Feel energized, healthy, confident and connected

  • Create healthy lifestyle practices that you will actually stick to and that support your health, dreams and purpose

  • Find your path and purpose and create your life around that

  • Feel free from the conventional hustle and grind

  • Live a life that you absolutely love and want to wake up to every day


then i would love for you to join my root to rise group program

Receive all the tools, skills and confidence that you need to RISE!


While you may think that all you need is ‘just’ healthier eating habits and more discipline to go the gym, trust me: it’s more than that.

In the Western society we often focus mainly on the physical, but this is just the beginning. I know from experience that just eating healthy and going to the gym a few times a week just doesn’t cut it. It’s a deeper craving for fulfilment and meaning that we are just unfamiliar with and that impacts our health and happiness on a subconscious level. But! The body is our portal to get to the next level. That’s why we start there.


I’ve done it myself so I know it works!


Feeling good and living a life you love starts in the body. The body holds all the answers and gives you all the signs about what you really need. But we never listen and the messages are blurred because of all the ‘noise’ from our busy daily lives and minor health issues that never seem to go away. So we need to ‘clear out the fog’. Once your body is in balance, only then can you start to feel into the deeper layers of yourself and connect with your true desires for life. Now I hear you thinking: “gimme that 30-day challenge and I’ll do it and then I’ll be healed forever!” I wish it was that simple. There is no quick fix. It takes time, discipline and healthy habits. So in the first part of the program, I will teach you how to implement healthy habits slowly overtime that will last and you will enjoy. We will root down and come back home into the body.

  • Nutrition, mindful movement and other healthy daily practices


Once we got all the ‘distractions’ out of the way, there is space for deeper transformation. And from there we can create a life that is truly aligned with your dreams and purpose. In this second part of the program, we will focus on calming the mind and getting to know our mind’s patterns and beliefs. We learn how to reframe our thoughts, face and embrace our fears and connect to our deeper desires. We will also look at what is holding us back from living our best lives and prioritizing ourselves. It’s like switching the light back on. This is where we let our soul speak and design the life that you are dying to wake up to every day.

  • Mindset, self love, breathwork and meditation


Thinking and dreaming is easy. Actually doing something and taking action is next level. This is where it gets a little tricky. You’ve got this dream vision for yourself of how you want to live your life and how you want to feel every day, but you have no idea how to get there. And, you will find all the reasons and arguments why NOT to do it. Because you’ve been programmed to fear the unknown, the adventurous and the risky! So this is where we will overcome any practical and mental obstacles and where I will help you go from vague ideas and dreams, to actionable plans that you will stick to.

  • Hypnosis, visualization and action planning


There is no shortcut to living a life full of health, happiness and success. No quick fixes here!

Are you willing to do what most people are not and put in the work?!

Getting there requires discipline, motivation, self reflection and taking care of yourself on all levels. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you and guide you through the challenging times. Plus, you’ll have a group of amazing power women to cheer you up!


What’s included in the Root To Rise group program

  • 8x group mastermind sessions (weekly 90-120 mins online Zoom calls) to (1) share key knowledge, (2) practice the tools and (3) integrate them into your daily life. Ask all your questions, leverage on our group energy and receive personal hot-seat-coaching! (valued at EUR2000)

  • 1x 1:1 coaching session with Myrthe (60 mins, valued at EUR175)

  • 1x guided group breathwork session with Myrthe (valued at EUR125)

  • 1x guided group hypnosis session with Bryony (valued at EUR150)

  • Guided workbook with weekly journal prompts, exercises and book & podcast recommendations (valued at EUR750)

  • Access to a private WhatsApp group for support in between sessions (priceless)

  • Welcome gift on your doormat (valued at EUR50)

  • 20% discount on additional 1:1 sessions with Myrthe

  • Connections for life with like minded women! (priceless)


And some epic bonus materials!

  • FREE access to my online nutrition course Nourish to Flourish (valued at EUR 97)

  • Ebooks with recipes (valued at EUR50)

  • FREE access to my private YouTube channel with 50+ online yoga classes (valued at EUR500)

  • 4x short 20-minute recorded yoga classes (valued at EUR50)

  • 4x short 10-min recorded meditations for busy, but mindful mornings (valued at EUR50)

  • 1x recorded home breathwork practice (valued at EUR125)

What we’ll cover in the mastermind group sessions


Total value: EUR 4000!

(2 has always been my lucky number! I was born on the 2nd day of the 2nd month of the year!)

*Please note that access to this program is based on a review process. The initial connection call is meant to get to know each other, to see if we’re a ‘match’ and to answer any questions you may have. No strings attached!

Start date for the program is somewhere in May 2022. Based on availability of all participants I will choose a recurring day and time that fits best for everybody’s schedule.


Select the payment plan that works for you!


This program is for you if…

  • You tick all the boxes of a perfect conventional life but you still feel unfulfilled and want to gain the clarity and confidence to figure out how to live a healthier life in more alignment

  • It looks like you have your shit together, but you find it hard to prioritize your health, feel burnt out and you suffer from anxiety or low moods so you’re in need of a motivating action plan to let you rise and shine again

  • You feel numb, brain-fogged, disconnected, stuck and out of balance and want to reconnect with your body and your heart’s desires again

  • You want to feel free from the hustle and grind of modern Western society and want more freedom, ease and flow in your life

  • You are ready to feel great every day, make some uncomfortable changes and create a life you absolutely love!


By the end of this program, you will walk away…

  • Feeling connected to your body and your heart again so that you can make important life decisions from that place

  • Having clarity around who you are deep down and what you want so that you can create your best life

  • With a ton of healthy lifestyle practices in your pocket that will support you on your journey

  • Feeling a sense of unshakable confidence to take the road less travelled

  • Motivated to get into action mode and start making changes in your life

  • With old conventional conditioning and beliefs rewired into new, courageous beliefs

  • With deep connections with like minded people - a new family - that will pull you through when it gets hard


"The entire experience was beautiful from the start. Myrthe made me feel safe and loved. The other women were incredible. I know the universe orchestrated this meeting for a reason. This program is a gorgeous and safe environment where you are given permission to go inward and make yourself a priority."

- Kara

Just in case you missed it, here’s what you’ll receive during these 8 weeks!


Are you ready to prioritize yourself again?

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send me a message here or book an exploration call.

With love, Myrthe


If you want to learn more about me…

Let me share my story with you!

I am Dutch, and if you know the Dutch, you know that we are quite organized, within-the-box and rational. I grew up in a loving family, but also very protected and safe. I had no idea about what was out there. I thought my world was my world and that was it. I got into a long term relationship at a young age and stayed with him for 10 years. I went to university in a city quite close to my home town, because Amsterdam felt way too big and scary. I always chose the safe option. Because I learned that taking risks and doing things outside the box wasn’t safe and accepted. I was a smart girl and was very disciplined. So I rolled into a consulting job after uni quite easily, and had a few good years there. I learned a lot and earned good money. I was rising on the corporate ladder. I worked too many hours every week, pushed my brain and my body to the limit to always perform and compete against colleagues and suffered from minor (but annoying) health issues. I was tired all the time, felt weak, had skin problems and food always made me feel bloated.

Looking back, I have always known that I wasn’t living my best life then. I have always felt deep down that I shouldn’t be with this one man my whole life. I have always felt that the corporate world wasn’t where I would bloom the most. And I have always felt that the Netherlands was not the country where I’d be happiest.


My body and soul were craving to be listened to, but I kept going. At some point, I started to feel this deep sense of misalignment, anxiety and anger.

Emotions that I didn’t recognize at the time as such, but which I can give a name now. Anger at the world because something was wrong with me and no one was telling me what. No one had taught me how to look inside and do my inner work. I just felt all these strange and very uncomfortable feelings and I had no idea what to do with it. I felt like I wasn’t supposed to feel all these things ‘because everything was alright, right?’ My life was good, right?

I was living my life exactly as I was taught. House, job, relationship, friends…it was all ‘perfect’. But it wasn’t.

Then thankfully through my corporate job, I was able to get a life coach and she was the first person to help me investigate my inner world and understand myself better. Long story short, that was the start of my transformation. I broke up my 10 year long relationship. I asked my boss if I could go on a work assignment abroad for a few months (not longer, because remember, I was a very scared young woman and the idea of 4 months away already made me pee my pants). And that happened. A few months later I was on a plane to Singapore.


It took a few weeks to get over my fear, but I never looked back. Ever.

Something changed in me when I took that first big leap. Breaking up my long relationship opened things up for me. It wasn’t his fault, I just felt deep inside I wanted something different from life. Working in Singapore showed me a different side of me that I knew was there but which I had never really expressed. A brave, adventurous, fun and confident one. A little rebellious. More daring. More open to different types of people, cultures, ideas, opinions. I was finding my own path. A path that I was carving out for myself, without any steering from anyone else. It was scary as fuck. But at the same time so liberating. Somehow the physical distance away from home helped me to start with a clean slate. I was supposed to stay in Singapore for a few months, but I never went back. From there the ball only started rolling.


I loved my life in Singapore. It was a life full of cool work projects, parties, drinking, fun and weekend trips around Asia. But, it was also the time that I started to become more interested in health and nutrition.

I could intuitively feel that Singapore’s corporate life was fun, but not good for my body and it wasn’t something I wanted for the rest of my life.

I knew I had to make a lifestyle change but was nervous because I didn’t feel like I had the time or energy. I felt stuck in my own habits! As a high-achiever, I dove right in and at first I went hard core. I forced myself to eat healthy every single meal until it became too restrictive and almost compulsive. 

But living in Singapore brings its challenges (as anywhere else), especially when after work and TGIF drinks present itself at least twice a week ;-) And then we’re not even talking about the weekend! So I fell off the ‘healthy wagon’ pretty quickly and bounced back and forth between super healthy days and then really (and I mean REALLY) crappy unhealthy days with too much alcohol, truffle fries (yup, those were a thing in Singapore) and chicken wings. But I figured out a way to live a healthier lifestyle AND enjoy all the fun and good things that life has to offer. I got a personal trainer, went on solo yoga trips to Bali and started cooking healthy when I was at home.


On the physical level, these things really helped me to keep balance and feel better. But I realised pretty quickly that that wouldn’t cut it.

When your mind isn’t in a good place and when your soul isn’t nourished with the right life, you can eat all the avocados and broccoli in the world but you will still feel tired and unhappy every day.

That’s what happened to me. So I knew I had to take an even bigger leap. I quit my corporate job. Iiiieeeeek! I felt this deep call from my soul to try and start a business of my own in which I could share with the world exactly what I had to share in my own personal way. My gift clearly wasn’t sitting behind a desk all day and helping a bank make more money. But then what was it? I had no idea. Haha! I had no examples, no role models, no idea what I was going to do and how to start - let alone, run - a business. I had never taken a bigger risk. I had to let go of the safety of my job, with a pretty good salary.

After my relationship and my country, would I really also let go of the last big thing that provided safety: my job?

Yes, I would. I was, again, terrified, but I really felt like this was going to be good. I felt an excitement boiling in my stomach. I felt a need for freedom.


A need for allowing my life to enfold and follow my curiosity and dreams instead of following a career path that was already set out for me.

And I have always known that I needed to keep pushing myself outside of my comfort zone in order to find that light of happiness I have longed for for so long. So I quit my job and all I had planned was a yoga teacher training in Thailand. I fell in love with the yoga practice, I signed up for a nutrition course and travelled around Asia trying to figure out what my next steps would be.

I decided to spend some time in Bali, because I knew Bali very well from previous travels and I knew the island of the gods would help me ground and find answers. But before I knew it, I was teaching, coaching, hosting retreats and running a business from Bali! I stayed for 2.5 years. Bali taught me so much. This island helped me see and feel all of me. It helped me grow. But it was hard at the same time. I got confronted with myself like alllll the time. I learned so much during these years. The most important thing being that I was on a path. My path. And I’d stick with it. Even through the hard times. Because this is the thing, people think you’re living a dream life when you post beach photos every day. Well, that’s true to a certain point.

But there is a heavy shadow side of living abroad as a single woman without close family and friends, and dealing with a different culture, a corrupt government, building your own business and finding yourself all at the same time. I can tell you: it’s not the easy way.


Fast forward 7 years since I stepped on this new path, my life isn’t perfect. But I live it from my core. My center. From a place of alignment. I have a business that I love running with all my heart. I know what I believe in. What I stand for. I know why I get up every morning. I wake up every day feeling excited to get started. I have the freedom to schedule my days the way I want. I can work when I feel most inspired, I can practice self care whenever I need it the most in the way I need it the most. I can rest when it’s required. I make time to cook 3 healthy meals a day, I move my body daily, I spend lots of time in the little park around my corner with a book and a coffee. Life is pretty good. But I still have dreams. A different home, more success in my business, a handsome man by my side to do life with. Maybe a baby someday. And that’s great. It’s great to not be where you want to be but to know where you are going.

I’ve taken the road less travelled. I didn’t choose the easy way.

But you gotta do what’s right, not what’s easy. Difficult roads lead to beautiful destinations.

I chose to do life differently and I have felt all the pain that came with that choice. The hard days are bloody hard. It’s confronting. You loose people on the way. You constantly have to deal with the unknown and your own fears and keep motivating yourself. But despite the hardship, it’s all been worth it. I wouldn’t have it any other way.


Why? Because I’m on my path. I know what I’m doing it for. I’m living life from my core. My true essence.

And now it’s time for you to do the same.

Let’s ignite that fire in your heart together with this group of beautiful people who all want the same thing: live the life of their dreams with purpose, healthy and happy.


“It takes courage to push yourself to places you have never been before - to test your limits - to break through barriers. And the day came when the risk it took to stay tight inside the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

- Anais Nin